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Friday, May 23, 2014

Newtek Lightwave 11.6.3

12:13 PM

Newtek Lightwave 11.6.3 

(Full Version) Direct Download | Pc Network


Character Animation Enhancements:
* FiberFX: Complete hair and fur solution for all platforms.
* Collada, FBX and OBJ I/O support: Improved compatibility with other applications.
* Enhanced IK and Animation Systems: Provides improved character animation controls.
Lightwave 3D Rendering:
* IES Lighting: Accurately duplicate physical lights from manufacturers’ datasheets.
* Radiosity Cache: Unique animated and static caching with size multipliers.
* Photoreal Motion Blur: Artifact-free live action blur as if photographed with film
* New anti-aliasing methods: Greater control for balancing quality with render speed.
* New global illumination and radiosity: Easily create photorealistic scenes, sharacters and products while simulating the effect of real-world lighting in photography.
* Progressive previews for global illumination: Provide immediate feedback
* Implementation of state-of-the-art BSP/KD Tree Algorithm: Provides much faster and more efficient raytracing; bigger scenes render a lot faster.
* Improved multi-threading with dynamic segmentation: Insures maximum use of available CPUs, optimizing render times.
Adaptive Pixel Subdivision:
* Speed increases many times over previous versions of LightWave: More efficient render times for today’s increasingly ambitious high polygon-count scenes for production.
* Adaptive subdivision of a mesh based upon distance from the camera and visibility: Allows for effective use of system resources for workflow viewing versus rendering.
* APS Choice: Per Object, Per Polygon and Per Pixel: Provides the widest range of flexibility.
Advanced Camera Tools:
* RealLens Camera: Physically correct cameras allow recreation of any real-world camera lens for matching footage rendered in LightWave to real-world photography. (a must for compositing CGI and real footage together)
* New rendering technology produces scenes using arbitrary camera lenses and warps: Create fantastic effects such as: camera plane deformations, arbitrary projections, UV map generation, true orthographic rendering, space warp simulations, lens distortion duplicating real-world lenses or “imaginary” lenses and one-camera 360° panorama rendering.
* Improved editing performance: Create and edit your models and meshes faster than ever before.
* New screen drawing system in OpenGL: See the results of your changes faster than ever before.
* Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces: Expand and simplify the modling workflow by widening subdivision capabilities to include edges, edge weighting and n-gons.


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